Eyup Logistics Knows European Practices
Eyüp Logistics was deemed worthy of the "Transportation Company with the Highest Volume in Gaziantep Customs" award by the Ministry of Customs and Trade. The introductory meeting of the Ministry of Customs and Trade's "Authorized Economic Operator Application", "Authorized Shipper" and "Common Transit" projects, which will make a significant contribution to Turkey's exports, was held in Gaziantep with the participation of Minister Hayati Yazıcı.
Stating that they aim to make Turkey "the country where trade is the easiest and safest", Minister Yazıcı said that they also aim to be among the top 10 economies of the world in the 100th year of our Republic and to increase exports to 500 million dollars.
Minister Yazıcı distributed certificates and awards after his speech. Gaziantep MP Nejat Koçer presented the award of Eyüp Lojistik A.Ş., which was deemed worthy of the "TRANSPORTATION COMPANY WITH THE HIGHEST TRANSACTION VOLUME AT GAZIANTEP CUSTOMS" award, to Eyüp Bartık, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
With the 'Authorized Economic Operator Application' applied in European countries, customs procedures are carried out in a faster way. Trucks do not need to go to customs for customs procedures. The authorization is given to a limited number of reliable companies determined by the customs administration. Eyüp Bartık, who stated that they examined the practices and examples in Europe, stated that the application is revolutionary for Turkey and that customs clearance times will be shortened and costs will be significantly saved.
Governor Erdal Ata, Gaziantep Deputies Nejat Koçer and Halil Mazıcıoğlu, Metropolitan Mayor Asım Güzelbey, AK Party Provincial Chairman Ahmet Uzer, GSO Chairman Adil Konukoğlu also attended the meeting.